Regional Aspects of Globalisation (New Spheres of Spatial Researches)


  • István Bartke ELTE TTK Társadalom- és Gazdaságföldrajzi Tanszék, Budapest



The analysis of spatial effects of economic globalisation appeared among regional researches as far back as the 1970s, especially in connection with the examination of the experience of the multínational companies. It is an open question for the moment, if globalisation could spread to cultural sphere too.

The background-model of the research formalise the formation of social life and its main factors (particular the natural and built environment, the economy, the society, the way of life, the scale of values and ideas) and the relations between the factors, defining the vertical connections and the horizontal extension.

The changing content of social life is based on the spatially specific character of vertical connections. The effect of natural efficiency, values and tradition etc. on local societies can be proved. Religious and civil ideas – through the scale of values – influence the way of life and the economic behaviours, development.

If material production contents certain technological and social requirements, it joins in the global division of labour, it partly neutralises the economic effects of the differentiation of natural and built environment and lost its region forming role in the future. As regard as for the ideas, the scale of values and partly the way of life regional differentiation remains. Substantial approach between the independent ideas (intellectual cultures) can't be experienced and couldn't be expected in the future.

Economy, first of all globalisation of the mass-production probably provide favourable material base for the different intellectual cultures to exist side by side. Forcing foreign ideas on social groups or countries may lead to considerable tension, and may retard the economic development.

Author Biography

István Bartke , ELTE TTK Társadalom- és Gazdaságföldrajzi Tanszék, Budapest

tudományos tanácsadó




How to Cite

Bartke, I. (1999) “Regional Aspects of Globalisation (New Spheres of Spatial Researches)”, Tér és Társadalom, 13(4), pp. 1–16. doi: 10.17649/TET.13.4.541.


