Space Interpretations in Geopolitics


  • Ferenc Mező Debrecen



geopolitika, politikai földrajz, posztmodern kapitalizmus


It is a commonplace today to state that we live in an interim period between an old dying and a new nascent world order. Several different theories have tried to outline this transition, and the present study is intended to create an order among them.

Attempts have been made to describe the passing of the „old" and the birth of the „new", which evoke the disappearance of geopolitics. This branch of science as a method of description is connected to the already disappeared 'ancient' world. The present analysis searches proof to show that geopolitics does not disappear, it is reborn as so many other things. Within the science of geography, there is a clearly defined world, which raises the research problems of the establishment and use of geographical knowledge in different systems and places. This is what we know as 'critical geopolitics'. For new geopolitical thinking, it is important to draw a line between politics (politicians) and geopolitics, and at the same time to clarify the correlation between them. What shall new geopolitics give us? Individual scientific disciplines provide us with data and special partial knowledge only. In interdisciplinary co-operation organization falls on geopolitics. It is essential for us to form a real image of the world, from the point of view of the creator and not that of the user. This study was inspired by this noble intent.

Author Biography

Ferenc Mező , Debrecen





How to Cite

Mező, F. (2007) “Space Interpretations in Geopolitics”, Tér és Társadalom, 21(2), pp. 1–22. doi: 10.17649/TET.21.2.1105.


