Territorial Planning, its Actors and Instruments. The Portuguese & Hungarian Planning System
Territorial planning, development, Portugal, Hungary, territorial division, territorial management, European Union, local governments, territorial planning instruments, regulation, regionAbsztrakt
The objective of the report is to provide a comparative work on the Portuguese and Hungarian territorial planning system. It is divided into three parts: first, the explanation and comprehension of the Portuguese territorial management system, its instruments and institutions are presented, which is followed by the discussion of the same issues for the Hungarian territory - we identify instruments and institutions responsible for territorial organisation in connection with planning; and finally, a comparison of the two systems is given.
Hogyan kell idézni
CARDOSO, A. M. M. (2012). Territorial Planning, its Actors and Instruments. The Portuguese & Hungarian Planning System. Discussion Papers, (77), 5–43. Elérés forrás https://dp.ojs.rkk.hu/index.php/DP/article/view/2336
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